Worcester Railers Win Community Service Award For Second Straight Season

On Thursday June 25, during the ECHL Awards Show, the Worcester Railers were selected for the community service award for the second straight year. In addition, earlier in March, Railers defensemen Conner Doherty was awarded the 2019-20 ECHL Community Service Player Award. He recieved it after participating in hospital visits and many other community events throughout the season. Throughout the past year, the Worcester Railers HC Foundation donated over $250,000 and collaborated with 475 local organizations.

Also, through their “Ticket to Read” program, the Railers visited schools where players would encourage reading while at the same time, creating reading logs for students. With their “Skate to Success” program, nearly 2,000 fourth graders had the chance to skate with coaches and various players and received Railers hockey gear.

Another program the team participated in was their “Food For Frontliners” program. The team has gifted $14,000 worth of items for the local hospital and front line workers. Worcester Railers mascot “Trax” has made over 275 pubic appearances in different events.